similar clients, and is headed by a guy I like a lot, and who has been very enthusiastic about undertaking this new joint venture.
Back to pots - after the fire at the workshop in the spring, I was kind of derailed in terms of
making anything. Earlier in the year, my wife Marilyn had begun organizing an Empty Bowls event for this weekend, and I had contacted some potter friends during the year about donating some bowls. I had about thirty bowls left after the fire, and I donated those, but this week I thought maybe a few more wouldn't hurt. I thought about making some earthenware, slip type
bowls (probably because I'd been reading Ron Philbeck's blog for months), but among the stuff that got burned up were most of my recipe books, so I don't even have good white/black slip recipes to make. Lame. I do, though have a few buckets of this and that in the basement, and some commercial cone six clay laying around. I used some really red looking clay (Miller 40?) and a batch of Blair Meerfield's yellow slip, and made some hakeme bowls, then got my copy of Mastering Cone Six Glazes out and mixed a small batch of High Calcium Semi Matte #1. Used my workhorse old L&L bisque kiln; did a quick bisque, glazed reloaded and fired, amd the bowls
turned out really nicely. Who knew. There are two of them in this shot of one of the tables at the event:

Anyway- it was nice to do some throwing, trimming slipping, etc. and to get a good result.
Anyway the Empty Bowls event was a huge success, we had really nice pots from potters who make a wide variety of work, and we sold 150 bowls in 45 minutes. Then folks paid 5 bucks to get some soup in a paper bowl and hang out. There was a silent auction of some bigger pots, and altogether we raised about 2 grand for the local food bank.